This month...
- I learned a lot. I learned a lot about the type of person that I am, about the things I love and value in my life, and about what writing means to me.
- I pushed myself to write every day--31 days to be exact--the most I probably have ever done consecutively. Even when I was tired, cranky, feeling lazy, or had come down with a serious case of writer's block, I pushed through!
- I read so many amazing slices from all of you. Your stories and writing inspired me, every day.
- I looked forward to coming home from work and slicing. It was actually a really relaxing way to unwind after a long day. And I started to really think about all of the things that happened during the day--the funny, interesting, sad, and happy moments.
- I started to appreciate the little things, the little moments in my life. I found that the little things can be significant, they can be powerful.
- I became even more excited about teaching writing and about writing myself.
- I remembered why I became a teacher in the first place and realized how lucky I am to be a part of a community of such truly amazing people.
I'm so thankful for everyone who participated in the March Challenge. I'm thankful because I got to be a part of a wonderful group of supportive and encouraging teachers--of creative and reflective writers. Your kind comments put a smile on my face every day, and I felt uplifted from reading your remarkable writing.
Thank you for a great month!
You made it, Rachel. Woo hoo!